Rikke Hvelplund
ISTDP Psychotherapist mpf
I am originally a trained commercial pilot and have flown commercial flights for around 17 years . While I was a pilot, got married and had my children, I studied to be a psychotherapist for 5½ years. In addition, I took a specialization in Intensive Dynamic Short-Term Therapy of 3½ years.
I continue to educate myself by attending annuall courses, conferences and classes to improve my skills. My clinic opened in 2009, and in 2017 I moved into the beautiful “Glasgården” on Frederikssundsvej in KBH NV. From 2022, I will be part of Psykoterapeutuddannelsen A / S’s teaching team at Velling Koller.
I am from 1969, married and have three children.
My goal is to support you in strengthening your ability to live an independent life, in harmony with your inner values - so you can find meaning, joy and excitement in the life you have. It is all about winning yourself back into the life you were born to unfold on your own terms, in accordance with your given nature.
Being a healthy person is not about being a perfect person – not at all! But you as a human being have the potential to regain your balance after disappointments and defeats. You have it in you to heal, to be whole and to live completely.
We must rediscover, develop and strengthen it all that is truely you!